Pyelonephritis, commonly known as kidney infection, is a type of urinary tract infection (UTI) that affects one or both kidneys. It can cause severe symptoms such as fever, back or side pain, and nausea. Prompt medical treatment with antibiotics is essential to prevent complications.

Pyelonephritis FAQ

What are the common symptoms of pyelonephritis?

Fever, back or side pain, nausea, and vomiting are common symptoms of pyelonephritis.

How is pyelonephritis diagnosed?

Diagnosis is based on symptoms, urine tests, and sometimes imaging studies such as ultrasound or CT scan.

Can pyelonephritis cause complications?

Yes, if not treated promptly, pyelonephritis can lead to serious complications such as kidney damage or sepsis.

What are the risk factors for developing pyelonephritis?

Risk factors include being female, having a urinary tract obstruction, or a weakened immune system.

Is pyelonephritis contagious?

No, pyelonephritis is not contagious; it is usually caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract.

How long does it take to recover from pyelonephritis?

With appropriate antibiotic treatment, most people start to feel better within a few days and fully recover within 1-2 weeks.

Can pyelonephritis be prevented?

Preventive measures include staying hydrated, practicing good hygiene, and seeking prompt treatment for urinary tract infections.

Should I go to the hospital for pyelonephritis?

If you have severe symptoms, such as high fever or severe pain, or if you are pregnant, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Can I take over-the-counter painkillers for pyelonephritis?

It's important to consult a healthcare professional before taking any medication, particularly if you have kidney problems or other health conditions.

Are there any long-term effects of pyelonephritis?

In some cases, recurrent episodes of pyelonephritis can lead to chronic kidney disease, but this is preventable with proper treatment and monitoring.

Can pyelonephritis affect pregnancy?

Untreated pyelonephritis during pregnancy can increase the risk of complications, so pregnant women with symptoms should seek medical care promptly.

What if my symptoms don't improve with antibiotics?

In such cases, it's important to follow up with a healthcare provider to ensure that the infection is properly treated and to investigate for any underlying issues.

Can I have sex if I have pyelonephritis?

It's best to wait until the infection has cleared and you have finished your course of antibiotics to prevent complications or spreading the infection to a partner.

Are there any home remedies for pyelonephritis?

While antibiotics are the primary treatment, you can support your recovery by drinking plenty of water and avoiding bladder irritants like caffeine and alcohol.

What should I do if I've had multiple kidney infections?

If you've had recurrent pyelonephritis, your healthcare provider may recommend further tests to investigate for any underlying urinary tract issues and prevent future occurrences.

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